No longer available

Against All, Hope

Sale price£7,421.00 GBP

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The story...

January 2024

This piece was inspired by a pasture near my home; a sanctuary I’ve visited over the last six years to pray, clear my mind, walk aimlessly, and find little treasures with my son. Sunrise is my favourite time to visit as the dawn is a powerful reminder that no matter how deep the darkness of the night, there is always hope in the morning to begin again.

It all started with a walk outside...

I didn't know why this morning walk wouldn't leave my mind, I just knew I had to capture the feeling of hopefulness, which is what inspired this painting. Months later, when the painting was nearly finished, I realized just how significant that day was...

That morning walk was the same day we found out we were pregnant! This news came after trying for months following our miscarriage. Holding on to hope, instead of the fear of loss, has been a battle and what this scene represents to me has been a great comfort.

This painting is a gentle reminder to hold on to hope, against all else.